Archive for ASSE – EHS Works
Legal Bud is now spreading across America at an unprecedented pace.
New Approaches to End Texting While Driving
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American Society of Safety Engineers
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NRC Expands Its Social Media Program, Adds NRC Chat
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will launch a pilot of a live discussion platform known as NRC Chat on April 30, 2013 at 3 p.m. (CST). The first chat will discuss the history of U.S. nuclear power with the agency’s historian, Tom Wellock. NRC reports the Chat is similar to its blog, but features more of a real-time discussion. Each session will focus on a specific issue with an NRC
Risk Management Is More Than Safety
As claims rise and legal restrictions become more complex, it has become increasingly important for safety professionals to recognize that effective safety management includes a deeper understanding of HR issues and a broad knowledge of risk management, labor, employment and legal principles. On April 24, 2013, ASSE hosted a Risk Management webinar. “Risk Management Is More Than Safety:
Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction
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American Society of Safety Engineers
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NIOSH Seeks Comments on Its Mobile Guide
NIOSH is creating a free mobile Web version of the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, and it is requesting input from users to ensure optimum functionality. The agency is seeking information regarding how people use the guide; industries in which the guide is used; and how people use mobile devices at work. To submit a comment, visit the NIOSH Science Blog.
NFPA Announces Theme for the 2013 Fire Prevention Week
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has announced the theme for this year’s Fire Prevention Week, taking place October 6-12. The theme, “Prevent Kitchen Fires,” will address the dangers of kitchen fires, encourage greater care when cooking and promote safe kitchen habits.
“On average, firefighters respond to more than 400 kitchen fires every day” says Lorraine Carli,
Study Warns Drivers of Construction Work Zone Crashes
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American Society of Safety Engineers
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ASSE & AIHA Urge for Study to Consider Moving NIOSH
In a letter to Senator Tom Harken, ASSE and AIHA requested a Government Accountability Office study be conducted to determine whether NIOSH should remain with CDC and where NIOSH could possibly relocate. The letter cites lack of appropriate resources for NIOSH under CDC, and ASSE reports that it and other stakeholders have repeatedly opposed CDC’s efforts to eliminate funding for areas that would
Inspections of Fire Protection Systems Save Money
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American Society of Safety Engineers
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Hazardous Drug Exposure Webinar Recognizes National Safe Handing Awareness Month
Eight million healthcare workers are exposed to hazardous drugs every year, Mikaela M. Olson, MS, RN, AOCNS Oncology and Hematology Clinical Nurse Specialist said. Many of these drugs are inescapable, and have unknown risks to healthcare workers.
Saturday, April 20, was National Safe Handling Awareness Day and National Safe Handing Awareness Month continues through the end of April. In
CSB Draft Report on 2012 Chevron Fire to be Considered April 19
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American Society of Safety Engineers
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OSHA Releases Publication on Ladder Safety
In a continued effort to prevent fatal falls in the construction industry, OSHA has issued a new booklet, “Falling Off Ladders Can Kill: Use them Safely.”
Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry, and every year, falls from ladders account for nearly a third of those deaths. This booklet , written in both English and Spanish, offers tips on when to use a
NHTSA Introduces SaferCar App
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) SaferCar app provides real-time vehicle safety information for consumers. Available for iPhones and iPod Touches, the app reportedly gives users access to NHTSA’s website, which includes 5-Star Safety Ratings, car seat installation tips, the ability to file a vehicle safety complaint, information about vehicle recalls, and
Protecting Against H7N9 Avian Flu
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American Society of Safety Engineers
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Crisis Communications: Fighting Brand Fires
Asking, “What is crisis communications?” SHIFT Communications’ Christopher Penn offers the fundamental definition: the effort to mitigate damage to the company’s
reputation by third-party sources.
Crisis communications, Penn says, is the flipside of the
traditional goal of public relations, which is to garner positive attention and
approval of third parties. He likens it to firefighting, an apt
GHS, HazCom 2012 & the U.S. Manufacturer Labeling
Chemical hazards can pose great physical, health and environmental dangers if not handled properly. Manufacturer Labeling was the primary target of American Supply Association’s (ASA) April 10, 2013, webinar to address the revised OSHA Hazard Standard and the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). The webinar, hosted by Ricky Bryant, Chairman of the ASA
Safety 2013: Early Registration Discount Ends Today
Safety 2013, scheduled for June 24-27, in Las Vegas, NV, is ASSE’s premier event of the year. This year’s conference and exposition will host hundreds of educational workshops, numerous SH&E-related events and opportunities to network with the industry’s top experts. If you plan to attend, why not save some money on registration? The early registration discount for Safety 2013 ends today. Learn
Join the Campaign to Protect Workers From Falls
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American Society of Safety Engineers
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Study Evaluates Safety of Countdown Timers
A new study suggests crosswalk countdown timers may pose a threat to driver safety. The timers are designed to let pedestrians know how much time they have to cross an intersection but the study indicates that drivers may be using the timers to beat traffic lights.
Arvind Magesan, assistant professor at the University of Calgary, is studying the countdown timers at pedestrian
EU-OSHA explores occupational safety and health risks associated with 'green jobs'
With emerging technologies and processes in green technology, the pressure is on to help protect and restore the environment. As the EU prepares for an influx of ‘green jobs,’ the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) investigates the implications or risks of green jobs for workers’ health and safety.
With the publication of a new Foresight report, EU-OSHA attempts to
Explosion at Flour Mill Exposes Lack of Combustible Dust Safety Standards
An explosion this weekend, at Statesville, N.C.’s, Bartlett Milling Company resulted in serious injury for one man, and serves as a reminder that incidents like this could be entirely preventable, the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health said.
Although no one was killed in last Sunday’s explosion, it was not the first safety violation for the flour and animal feed
Submit a Paper for the World Standards Day 2013 Competition
ANSI and The Society for Standards Professionals (SES) have announced the 2013 World Standards Day Paper Competition. In conjunction with the U.S. Celebration of World Standards Day 2013, the competition has a theme of "Standards for a World at Work and Play," which represents the various ways standards are represented in everyday lives. ANSI reports the theme, ". . . reflects the many ways that
ASSEF Announces Scholarship & Professional Education Grant Recipients
ASSE Foundation (ASSEF) has announced the recipients of its 2013 Scholarship & Professional Education Grant program. The Foundation awarded nearly $194,000 to 103 individuals who represented 37 different universities.
In other ASSEF news, the new Spring 2013 issue of The Advocate is available online. Read the new issue to learn about the Foundation’s programs and how you can help further its
Preliminary data for 2012 shows record low fatality and injury rates in mining
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration has released preliminary data for 2012 indicating record low injury and fatality rates.
Last year saw the lowest fatality rate in the history of U.S. mining, with .0107 deaths per 200,000 hours worked. The rate of reported injuries was also the lowest on record with 2.56 per 200,000 hours worked. These reductions
Moving to a bigger vehicle or driving a van for the first time
As the population continues to age, the workforce is changing. As more and more organizations hire on more new employees, young people and apprentices, there is an increasing number of employees needing to trade up from driving a car to a bigger commercial vehicle, which, to the inexperienced driver, could result in a road safety issue. Interactive Driving Systems stresses the
OSHA Issues Resource for Combustible Dust Fires
OSHA has released Firefighting Precautions at Facilities with Combustible Dust, a new, informational booklet outlining safe techniques for emergency responders who may face fires and explosions caused by combustible dust.
This booklet describes how combustible dust explosions occur and uses past incidents to illustrate how firefighting operations can prevent similar explosions. It
Six Steps to Reducing the Impact of a Bloodborne Pathogen Incident
To protect employees from the spread of bloodbourne pathogens (BBP) and reduce substantial OSHA fines, Cintas Corporation is offering customers free BBP training with the purchase of any of it’s instructor-led training courses.
Cintas recognizes the importance of educating employees, particularly first responders, on proper protocols for handling and limiting exposure risk to BBPs.
Scaffolding Safety: 5 Tips
Construction is among the most
hazardous industries, and falls are the leading cause of death in the
construction industry, according to OSHA. In 2010, there were 774 total
fatalities in construction, with 264 due to falls. Scaffolding
was the third most frequently cited OSHA standard in 2012, with the fall
protection topping that list.
To help contractors, Kee Safety has compiled the
ANSI Requests Comments on Proposed OH&S Standard
A new proposal for an international standard submitted by The British Standards Institution would specify requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system. ANSI invites the public to submit comments on the proposed standard by Friday, April 26, 2013. ANSI reports that the standard would create requirements for an OH&S system, ultimately providing organizations with more
Report Analyzes Trends in Energy & Mining Workforces
National Research Council (NRC) recently published a report focusing on the future of the energy and mining industries. "Emerging Workforce Trends in the U.S. Energy and Mining Industries: A Call to Action," is a joint effort from the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory and NRC to study the state of the energy and mining workforces and to ensure that they have a skilled,
Nominate a Colleague for ASSE's New Triangle Award
The ASSE Triangle Award will honor an occupational SH&E professional for his/her outstanding heroism and dedication to fellow employees and the profession. The award was created in honor of the 146 victims of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in New York City, NY. The first-ever presentation of this award will take place at the 2013 NAOSH Week kick-off event scheduled for May, 6, 2013, at
Methylene Chloride Hazards for Bathtub Refinishers
“In February 2012, a worker using a product containing methylene chloride to refinish a bathtub was found dead, slumped over a bathtub in an unventilated bathroom.”
OSHA and the NIOSH- supported FACE program have linked at least 14 worker deaths with stripping agents containing methylene chloride since 2000.
OSHA and NIOSH released a Hazard Alert, encouraging employers to use alternative,
Aon Hewitt Survey Finds Incentives Play Important Role in Wellness Efforts
According to a survey by Aon
Hewitt, incentives are playing a larger role in encouraging employees to
improve their health. The survey of nearly 800 large and mid-size U.S.
employers found that 83% offer incentives to workers who participate in
programs that help them become more aware of their health status. Of the 83% of
employers that offer incentives:
79% offer incentives in the form of
AIHA White Paper Describes Silica Competent Person Requirements
AIHA’s Construction Committee Silica Competent Person Project Team has released a white paper, "Recommended Skills and Capabilities for Silica Competent Persons." The paper discusses the minimum body of knowledge needed by a person to provide worker protection from silica. AIHA reports that the white paper provides a list of recommended subject-specific skills and objectives that a silica
ESPN Anchor Shares Burn Injury Story, Urges All to Read Grill Safety Instructions
In a recent interview with NFPA Journal, ESPN Anchor Hannah Storm shares her story of how she received first- and second-degree burns from a gas grill explosion. The incident occurred December 2012, at her home when she went outside to turn on the grill. According to Storm, she noticed the flames had been blown out by the wind, so she turned off the gas, then turned it back on and hit the igniter
Is Workplace Betting Appropriate?
With NCAA’s March Madness in full swing, EHS Today recently ran the article, "Place Your Bets: Wagers in the Workplace Gaining Acceptance," which discusses a survey that reveals office betting might be becoming more acceptable. The Vault 2013 Office Betting Survey revealed that 79% of the respondents think it is appropriate to participate in office betting, and that it is seen as a way to
NRC Report Recommends Improving Self-Rescue Efforts for Underground Coal Mines
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According to a report from National Research Council,
despite advances in research, practices and rescue strategies to improve safety
and health for underground coal miners, more coordinated planning and training
are needed to better prepare workers to escape in the event of a mine
emergency. The committee that wrote the report says for self-escape, miners
OSHA schedules Third Stakeholder Meeting
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has scheduled a third stakeholder meeting to discuss the crane operator certification requirements in the Cranes and Derricks in Construction standard. The third meeting will be held April 3, from 1:30-4:30p.m., and will focus on the effectiveness of crane operator certification.
OSHA seeks the publics’ opinion on 1) the usefulness of
Investigative Series Explores Worlds Deadliest Jobs
GlobalPost has published an in-depth investigative series that explores the world’s most dangerous jobs that are in part responsible for killing more than 6,000 people every day. From shipbreaking in Asia and radiological cleanup in Japan, to stone polishing in India and bus driving in Guatemala, the series paints a descriptive portrait of the workers in these industries, the jobs they endure and