Gas leak at Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur airport affects 39 people Reuters
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Richard Cartwright of MECX is our volunteer contributor for Hazardous Materials Events Calendar. You can connect with Rich here through linkedin
BIO - Richard T. Cartwright
Environmental Leader, P.E., CHMM, CPIM*
BIO: Richard T. Cartwright PE, CHMM, CPIM* is the Senior Vice President responsible for remediation technology marketing at MECx, LP.He has an MBA in Operations and Logistics Management from Indiana University, a BES in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University, and recently completed a Professional Certificate Program in Project Management at the University of Buffalo. He has a proven “hands-on” track record of solving recalcitrant hazardous materials problems at landfills, brownfields, manufacturing facilities, chemical plants, oil refineries, and retail petroleum outlets. Mr. Cartwright is an internationally recognized course instructor and motivational platform speaker on In-situ chemical oxidation soil Remediation and & Groundwater remediation, Hazardous Materials Management, Professional Certification & Ethics, and Successful Career Planning Strategies. He is a Past President of the National Academy of Certified Hazardous Materials Managers and is currently serving his fifth term on their Board of Directors. At their 2005 National Conference, he received the prestigious “Pete Cook Founders Award” for distinguished lifetime service and achievement within the hazardous materials management profession. Mr. Cartwright is the author of the “CHMM Career Planning and Survival Guide”.
EMAIL: richard.cartwright(at)