Tag Archive for PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (496): NPI, vaccine, antigen test, WHO, global

PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (496): NPI, vaccine, antigen test, WHO, global

COVID-19 -- Worldwide/UnknownWHO region (no. countries/territories):Total confirmed cases (new cases in last 24 hours) / Total deaths (new deaths in last 24 hours)----------------------------------------------------------------------Western Pacific Region (19): 812 085 (4506) / 16508 (47)European Region (61): 15 738 179 (244 710) / 354154 (5463)South East Asia Region (10): 10 141 969 (47 152) / 155 683 (659)Eastern Mediterranean Region (22): 3 649 052 (37 381) / 92 651(857)Region of the Americas Read more [...]