Tag Archive for PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (198): MCT, mucormycosis, Europe variant origin, WHO

PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (198): MCT, mucormycosis, Europe variant origin, WHO

COVID-19 -- Worldwide/UnknownWHO region (no. countries/territories):Total confirmed cases (new cases in last 24 hours) / Total deaths (new deaths in last 24 hours)----------------------------------Western Pacific Region (19): 3 139 0030 (21 702) / 47 634 (435)European Region (61): 54 625 827 (41 050) / 1 157 680 (919)Southeast Asia Region (10): 32 654 915 (132 689) / 425 123 (2971)Eastern Mediterranean Region (22): 10 276 459 (22 556) / 205 094 (448)Region of the Americas (54): 68 369 827 (159 704) Read more [...]