Tag Archive for PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (37): China (Hong Kong) animals, dog, prelim. serology negative

PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (37): China (Hong Kong) animals, dog, prelim. serology negative

COVID-19 -- ChinaA spokesman for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said today [Thu 12 Mar 2020] that the blood test result of a pet dog which had repeatedly tested weakly positive for COVID-19 virus is negative.The AFCD collected samples from the dog 5 times for tests since late February [2020] and detected low levels of the COVID-19 virus from its nasal and oral cavity samples. A blood sample was also taken from the dog on [3 Mar 2020] for serological testing and the Read more [...]